Sunday, October 27, 2024

Just some FYI Knowledge About Voting and Voter Rules in the USA

Did you know that you don't need to present ID in 14 states and D.C. to vote?  And one of those states is my old home of PA?  And another 9 states don't require a photo ID?

Go read this article and look at the map........  All the states there are white/grey require no ID proving you are a citizen be shown in order to cast a ballot.

In PA, where I worked the polls we could ask for ID from a first time voter but that is the only time we could.

In fact, California just passed a law making it illegal to ask for ID from some one attempting to vote.
Where I grew up, Virginia recently attempted to remove 1,600 voters from their rolls who identified themselves as non-citizens and the courts made them put these undocumented aliens back on the voter rolls.

Crazy, right?

I know for a fact that the Powers That Be have moved in thousands of undocumented aliens into a small town in PA outside of Pittsburg and paid for their housing, given then loaded debit cards, etc.  I know for a fact that anyone can walk into a PA DMV office and obtain a photo driver's license with no proof of who they are or were they live.

I bet the Powers That Be on election day send vehicles to transport these aliens to the polls to vote illegally and if they have that PA driver's license they will be allowed to cast a vote in that swing state.

Not only is our country under attack from outside but from within, due to the Democrat elite.  They are the ones who let in 14+million undocumented aliens into this country(including unvetted rapists, murderers, gang members and drug cartels whom they refuse to jail after they cause chaos in our country).

In order to protect the integrity of our elections and not to mention the safety of our citizens we must change the people in charge and how we do things in this country.

Here is a link to Voter Rules.........



  1. For me, it's unbelievable. I'm European (Italy). Here we may vote only where we are registered as residents and we need to present proof of citizenship (id card or passport) and proof that we are allowed to vote ("voter's card"). A lot of criminal convictions determine a temporary or definitive suspension of the right to vote, therefore there are citizens who cannot vote. An alien that votes in a general election, that's unheard of. Other European citizens may vote in local election, but they also need to have proof of European citizenship and right to vote. Nobody ever dreamed of questioning these rules.

  2. I live in Canada and all I can say is Wow that is scary ! We're no better off here though with our current govt.May God help us all !


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