Friday, September 20, 2024

Frugal Finds This Week.....Sept.13 to Sept. 19th

 There are very few Frugal wins over the past couple of weeks.

*  While in the Rehabilitation Hospital I noticed the side effect of the Focuses Ultrasound where I can't write seems to be getting better.  I still have a way to go and my keyboard skills are still lacking(retyping everything I type is so tiring).  But I'll take any improvement win I can get.

*  I had Hub do some rebate shopping for me since I was in a rehab hospital until last Sunday.  Didn't hit that big 2 week bonus and Ibotta didn't give me a Weekend or a MidWeek Bonus either last week so I really wasn't motivated to spend money on anything.

*  I got out of the Rehabilitation Hospital and the Hospital Hospital(This was after 3 trips to the ER) Back home and had a visit with my Orthopedist Wednesday and my PCP yesterday.  Suppose to start more  outpatient PT on Wednesday, see a Neurosurgeon on the 1st and then get a nerve block injection on Oct. 2nd with the Spine & Pain doc.  Still can't lay down in a bed flat(I can lay down for a few hours bent up like a pretzel before the excruciating pain starts again))and then I am back to sleeping upright in a chair with my head on a stack of pillows on a table still in pain and the Rehab hospital doc only sent me home with 3 day of pain meds so we had to jump through hoops to get the Pain Management doc to relent to give me enough pills to get to the Oct. 2nd injection(thank you Federal Government and Opioid Crisis!!).  
Not that I want to be ill in this way but in a way it's good we couldn't go to Idaho as Kim & Sissie are dealing with a death in their family and aren't home now. 
That is terrible and my prayers are with their family and I am bummed  about having to miss our Alaskan cruise as well due to my continuing health issue.  At least we bought the travel insurance so we'll get back most if not all the $$$ we spent on this cruise.

*  I found money!

Went to Walmart(with electric carts)on Thursday and found a penny leaving the store.  That's it.

Total Found last week..... .01¢

Grand Total Found this Year.......$8.08 & 5.30 Euros

That's all I got and all I can do right now.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!



  1. Continued prayers and hopes for improvement and relief of your pain. Cindy in the South

  2. Prayers for pain relief for you. My eldest sister has had debilitating pain in her hip for a couple years now, docs can't do anything else to help her. It is just awful for all with pain.

  3. I had a good Ibotta week for the first time in forever. Clif Builders bars were on sale for $1.50 with a $:75 rebate. There was a glitch that gave $2.75 back for two of them so ended up a money maker.


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