Thursday, August 22, 2024

Happy 1st Birthday

Today is my only Grandchild's first birthday,

Unfortunately I have no contact with her because her parents are lying backstabbers who won't let me even have photos of her.
I was only in the same room with her on Dec. 23, when she was 4 months old.  I was not allowed to hold her or touch her then.  We found out later that her parents took her to see Santa Claus earlier that day and plopped her down in a complete strangers lap.  But somehow her own grandparents aren't good enough to hold her?

Here is a photo of me with my great nephew up in Virginia.  He was 5 months old when I was up there.  I got to hold him and play with him. etc.   

Funny how I am good enough to be around and interact with him but not with my own granddaughter.

I love you granddaughter.  Your parents can keep me physically from you but they can't keep you out of my thoughts and my heart.



  1. That is so sad! Can your other son take a picture and send it to you?

  2. So sad. Hopefully one day the rift will be fixed.

  3. Never give up! 🩷🩷🩷

  4. I am so very sorry. So sad for you and for her to miss all this time together.
    Maybe write her a letter for every birthday and then give them to her when she is older?
    Sending hugs and hopes that you will soon be able to celebrate with her.

  5. I'm so sorry. That is a very cruel and painful situation.

  6. I am so sorry Sluggy, that sucks. Virtual hugs. Cindy in the South

  7. I'm so sorry:( Although she is no longer living, when she was still alive, I wouldn't dream of keeping my mom away from my children. Whatever anger, bitterness or grudge might be there, I pray your son/daughter in law see sooner than later that we should cherish people while we still have them with us. I hope this changes soon for you.


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