Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Making Progress

I thought I'd blog about what I've gotten done so far this week.  It might not seem like a lot but when you are struggling with depression, even the smallest of tasks seems like moving a boulder.

I went through a big tub of paperwork on Sunday and part of Monday.  Lot of old letters and things I've hung onto, some of them for 40+ years.  Most of it went into the trash.

We have lived for 2+ years with a piece of fabric draped over a curtain rod on the glass in the front door.  I have tried off and on to find a curtain that fit this glass.  It's frosted glass but has a clear glass design too so that's why I like to have a curtain over it, because at night you can see right into the living room.

With a move on the horizon I finally broke down and sewed a curtain that fit the door/glass.
It didn't take too long but I did have a lot of trouble threading the needle on the sewing machine because of the Essential Tremor in my left hand.  I got it done though.  Baby Steps.

We made a decision on a mover on Tuesday and put a deposit down.  We are going back to PA.  Not sure what town exactly as we have to wait until we are closer to the move date to rent a place.
We are going to rent a small house near where our son and his fiance lives.  We are flexible where we land as long as we are within driving distance.  Because we have pets that will cut down on possible rentals.  After we leave, this house will go on the market and we have a realtor picked out.  We thought about moving near my brother and his wife but there were three deterrents-the doctor who treats HS there left for greener pastures, we can't afford that area and there is a family situation involving my sister in-law's grandkid we don't want to get wrapped up in and if we move there, it will be difficult to avoid being dragged into it.  More updates to come.

I am now in collecting newspaper and boxes to use in packing.

I need to systematically go through each room and see what I can ditch before this move.  We downsized before we came here but there is more we can unload.  I know there are clothes I can donate as they are too big for me now.  And I need to get to reading my books because unless it holds sentimental value, after it's read, out it goes.

I've had a nerve block done on my right hip today so I'll be taking it easy.  
Speaking of medical stuff, I have begun to contact my PA doctors, specifically my HS doctor to get back on her schedule, or her associate's schedule.  It will be nice to only drive less than 2 hours to her instead of 3+ hours to the HS Dr. in MS.  Or maybe she can do Telemedicine now.  That would be great as long as I'm still in remission and she doesn't need to see me in person.

That's about it for this week's update.



  1. Oh, Slug, I am so glad things are in motion, do you want me to come down there and help you pack? I mean make you get rid of stuff, because I am good at it! I could bring Bud and he can help!

  2. I totally understand about moving where your previous doctor is located, and where it is affordable. I am making moving plans also…. well maybe…… but I am not near as far along as you are. I also totally understand about not wanting to get caught up in family drama. Cindy in the South

  3. I am happy your plans are moving forward.

  4. The thought of moving from this place fills me with horror - just the downsizing thought - so I really admire you for going for the move. I'm sure you'll be so much happier once you get back to PA!

  5. I'm glad things are moving along but I know it is a lot of work. All you can do is take one day at a time. Hang in there...better days are coming.

  6. I'm so glad you're getting out of dodge, you've not been happy since the move (rightfully so). When looking at rentals make sure they are ranch style one level. We just moved and made sure we had little to no steps :) Tebble

  7. That is a huge decision. Glad you have reached an idea of what you will be doing. Take it nice and slow and don't over do it.

  8. I don't envy the process, but finding your happier will be worth it!

  9. I am hoping all works out . Glad things are on the road for positive change for you.

  10. At least you are heading to a better direction/place.

  11. I think the move will be good for you and your hubby. I hope things get better for you. Depression is so tough. Do you see specialists in Jackson, MS? I have two that I see there, in different hospitals. It's a two and a half hour drive for me one way. Ugh!

  12. Wishing you the best on your upcoming move. Getting back to PA sounds like the best thing for you. We always talk about moving away from the city but its the doctors for my hubs that will prevent that. So important to be near good health care.

  13. Perhaps once you are back in PA we can connect. That would be nice.


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