Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Not A Political Blog....But Pay Attention!

I know I've been posting political stuff but it's timely and important to have the facts before you go out to vote in November.  This election will affect us all in so many ways for the next 4 years and beyond.
The facts are inflation is rampant and the Feds are printing money like it's going out of style, making your dollars worth less every day.  Going to the grocery store is more painful to our pockets every week.  Our borders are not secure(and now the Powers That Be are flying these undocumented aliens in, using your tax dollars to ports of entry other than the Southern Border and sticking them in small towns where they are overwhelming those towns services, not to mention many of these undocumented peoples don't speak the language or share our culture.)  Add in that we are on the brink of war with world powers that are at odds with us.  These world leaders do not respect our government officials and it's going to end badly with a POTUS who is essentially non compos mentis.

I am a registered independent.  Political parties are onerous and the Founding Fathers went so far as to warn us all against them but then again, nobody studies history anymore.  I do my research and that doesn't mean just listening to the mainstream tv media who are in the tank for the Harris and the Democrat party or just toeing the party line at Fox News or other outlets to defend Trump no matter what.   I read a lot of political news, opinions and reports of what is occurring in this country and the world from sources within the US as well as reading papers from think tanks from outside our borders.  What are other "friendly to our country" reports and reporters saying about our leaders and would be leaders and the resulting miasma hanging in the air here.  I also research candidates past positions which many people don't bother to dig into.  Does the candidate change their ideals depending on how the wind is blowing?

I may be an old, presently sick woman recovering from a cascading amount of illnesses, but I have a brain and no one is going to bamboozle me with their political agenda that will cause our Republic to crumble.

Do your research, ask questions, pay attention to what's going on in the world around you.

*This took an enormous effort and most of an evening to type as I am still having horrible side effects from this Focused Ultrasound procedure and typing is very hard for me.  This is why I have posted only periodically and/or some YouTube videos since cut and paste is easy.   Now I am going to bend myself into the shape of a pretzel so I can lay in my bed for a few hours while on painkillers and then end up sitting up in a chair with my head on a stack of pillows on a table for the rest of the night when the drugs wear off.  I don't wish what I am going through on my worst enemy.*



  1. (((((Sluggy))))) My heart goes out to you.

  2. You are so right ! Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Pay attention to everything going on is correct. I'm sorry you've been going through so much with your health. I really hope they find a solution and you're on the mend soon.

  4. Sluggy, I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I have a disability (different from yours) so I can totally sympathize. Just a few notes: the stock market is doing better than ever. Inflation is rampant in EVERY country, not just the US. By every independent economic metric, the US economy is the best it's been in a long time. Grocery stores are taking the opportunity to price gouge (I'm in CA so I get what you mean about higher prices!) Some of the higher costs of goods comes from the cost of gas, which is in short supply due to Trump's deal with OPEC to produce less gas. I too read the papers and have several sources of information, which everyone should do to help them make the decision of who to vote for.

  5. Hey Sluggy - Check this out, scroll down to watch the video - totally agree with your comments. Take care.

  6. First I am so sorry you are going through all this pain. I hate that for you. No one deserves that. Hoping they find a fix for it soon.
    Yes mam, this country has gone down the crapper. It is going to take some big change to reverse that - if it is possible. We are a laughing-stock all over the world.
    I hope for the best - but HATE has taken over so many people and their minds - so I don't know. I just pray and hope for the best. The world makes me sad.

  7. I'm so sorry you are struggling so badly with your health. I wish I could just wave a magic wand and make you well.

    With regard to your political worries, I think the problem is not just limited to America. The affluent Western countries are in serious decline. If you look at just about any major European country, you will find that it has much the same problems as America and it might well have developed them under a conservative government. I think the West has believed its own publicity for too long.


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