Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I Should Be on an Airplane Today

Today was the day we were suppose to fly to Idaho to visit Kim and Sissie.  Right now I should be in Houston waiting to board the flight to Seattle and then a puddle jumper to Idaho.

So I am feeling very sad that we aren't going.   This trip had been a long time in the making and something I was really looking forward to so needless to say I am quite let down and sad today.

Instead I get to go to doctor appointments tomorrow and Thursday.  My hip is no better and I can't lay down in bed without being in pain.  I was back to sitting up in a chair resting my head on pillows piled up on the table to sleep.

Maybe the Orthopedist will have some ideas/solutions tomorrow.



  1. I am so sorry.
    I hope the Dr will have you feeling better.
    Sending hugs.

  2. I'm sorry you are in pain and missed your trip. I hope the dr can get you some relief tomorrow.

  3. So sorry you having so much pain. Prayers for recovery. Things happen in their time - you will get that visit in, just not right now.

  4. I know how sad you are about the trip being cancelled. I am sorry for you. Fingers crossed for a quick and easier solution.

  5. I am so sorry - hugs. Melissa

  6. Dang, Sluggy! WTH? You have really been through the ringer. I had severe pain in my hip too. If you end up needing a hip replacement, I had one too and it hurt 6 weeks during recovery, but I have no pain with it at all now. Here's hoping you get some relief!

  7. Aww, darn....I'm so sorry. May you continue healing.

  8. I hope you are able to find and fix the cause of your pain, and that you are able to board a plane to see the twins later this year! Cindy in the South

  9. hopefully there will be other opportunities


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