Friday, January 17, 2025

Frugal Friday....the Jan. 17th Edition

Here are our frugal wins for this past week....

*  I love finding marked down foods at Kroger(this really doesn't happen at Walmart). I found some salads this past week as well as a 2lb. bag of fresh green beans. And I did a little Ibotta shopping for the food bank too. 8-)

*  We also had no food waste last week.   We ate lots of leftovers this past week.

*  There was no eating out this past week.

*  I cashed out a total of $100.00 from Ibotta.

*  I received a $15 prepaid Visa card this week from P&G.

*  We bought groceries at Kroger on Friday after they reinstituted the 4 x points for Friday purchases here(it had gone down to 2 x points during the Summer).

These packages of salmon were marked down plus were part of the Mega Sale so an additional $1 came off each package.

*  Kroger also had select canned veggies for .44¢ per can.  We picked up 16 cans of veggies I use in various dishes.  I only use canned veggies in some recipes as we prefer fresh veggies.

*  I picked up 3 prescriptions at Walmart.  No charge as I hit the Catastophic Phase after filling my first Rx.

*  We turned down the thermostat 2 degrees as night.  Being under blankets we don't need it as warm when we are in bed. ;-)

*  Entertainment last week was free tv, doing genealogy or reading.

*  I picked up two freebies at Walmart on Thursday.......

Truvani had bags of protein and Bellway had super fiber full price rebates I sent for and receive.

*  I found money! 

I thought I was going to get skunked this week but I found a penny on Thursday in Walmart.

Found Money This Week.... .01¢
Grand Total Found this Year....... .21¢

That's all I got.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Income & Spending....the December 2024 Edition

Now that we are living on an annuity, 401K$ withdrawals, personal savings and social security payments, I am still going to keep track of our monthly spending and income, and hopefully we'll still be able to live BELOW our means and I'll have some leftover monies each month to tuck aside.

We went into retirement in June of 2017 with no debt, no mortgage nor a car payment.

I am trying to be as transparent as I can with how much is coming in and how much is going out. 8-)

On to the December report--

I have 2 goals for December.....

The 1st is to actually finish the month in the black and not the red.

The 2nd is to try to have a little cash leftover at the end of the previous month to tuck back into a slush fund.  This slush fund may be applied toward unforeseen bills that are coming due in subsequent months, to spend on "extras/wants" during the year or to just sit there and grow until the end of 2024.

*  I do not include/report on our retirement accounts here, just the non-retirement ones.

I'm happy to report that we finished up December in the red.

The amount extra we ended the month of December with?....-$11,710.75

Income or Funds We Can Access

The "income" in December---

*  Monthly annuity payment of $2,530.11

*  SS income of $3,828.70

*  Interest earned on non-retirement accounts of $1,469.90

* Medical refund check  $20.00

* Stock Dividend  $29.79  

*Rebating Cash   $548.50

Total "Income" for December....$8,427.00

Expenses in December---

*  Irregular bills in December were $643.81

*  Variable expenses in December came to $10,354.51

*  Medical Premiums in December were $707.43

Total Expenses....$11,705.75


Slush Fund coming into December of $85,919.50 and the subtraction of $11,705.75 in December, our end of December 2024 Slush Fund comes to $74,213.75. 

The Slush Fund, on it's own page(tab at the top of the blog), shows a subtraction of $11,705.75.


As for the variable expenses this December, here are the good and bad side of things.....

Here are the GOOD THINGS

*  The water bill is the same as the previous month.
*  The WAM was the same as in December.
*  Mastercard bill was $210.86 lower
*  My Amazon bill was $37.81 less than in December.


*  The electric bill was $98.48 higher than the previous month.
*  Hubs aviator c/c was $14,698.32 higher in December.
*  My aviator c/c was $605.46 than the previous month,

And we had some one off bills in December--

Insurance Co-Pay x 3 $60.00
Kohl's  $14.84
Lowes  $21.83
Dr. OV  $20.00
Ortho Dr.  $40.00
Attorney Fees  $250.00
Wound Care Co-Pays  $37.14
Xmas Gift  $200.00

The Food Budget costs for December are in another post HERE. Food costs are included in my credit card payments(mainly because I buy the food but sometimes these costs come out of our WAM cash too).

FINAL THOUGHTS for December 2024---We paid for the new to us car(it's a 2023), but the Long Term care insurance Premiums didn't arrive so those get moved to January.  We traveled to see family but we saved where we could(used gift cards for most meals out, used gas points at Kroger, used c/c points toward hotel rooms, etc.)

GOING FORWARD INTO January 2025--I don't know what the new year will bring.  No big new car purchases I know that! lol  We will have a 401K withdrawal in January which will give us a cushion.

Here's hoping 2025 treats us all even better financially! 8-))

So how was your December financially?
Did you spend less than the income you had in December?
Did you stay within your budget or not?
What did you do with any money leftover at the end of the month?
Did you pay down/off any debts or put extra toward your mortgage principle or into savings, in an emergency fund or retirement account?
Or did you blow all your excess monies after bills were paid on a "want"?

If you post your financial progress on your own blog, leave a link in the comments so we can  go check out your progress too and celebrate or commiserate with you!


Monday, January 13, 2025

This Week on the Dining Table....Dec. 30 to Jan. 11

 The "Coyotes" Edition........

On Thursday night after dark we heard a row out in the woods behind the house.  It was a local pack of coyotes
going to town, vocalizing.  I tried to get it on film(well, the sound)but by the time I got my phone outside, my el chupacabra(Chester the chihuahua)kept barking in the house so it was hard to hear on the video.

Onward to the meal planning!
Here is what was planned for the last week.....
1. Sunday--Zalads from Zaxby's(using gift card)
2. Monday--Cheeseburgers, saute Cabbage
3. Tuesday--Shrimp, Baked Sweet Potato Fries
4. Wednesday--TV dinners
5. Thursday--Pasta, Salad
6. Friday--Chicken Tenders, Veg TBD
7. Saturday--Pork Tenderloin Sandwich, Saute Yellow Squash

And here's what actually happened....
1. Sunday--Zalads from Zaxby's(using gift card)
2. Monday--Cheeseburgers, saute Cabbage
3. Tuesday--Shrimp, Baked Sweet Potato Fries
4. Wednesday--BLTs
5. Thursday--Lobster Ravioli in Parmesan Sauce, Caesar Salad
6. Friday--Chicken Tenders, Teriyaki Green Beans
7. Saturday--Meatloaf, leftover Saute Cabbage

What got taken out of the freezer.......
* Hamburger Meat
* Shrimp
* Bacon
* Lobster Ravioli
* Chicken Strips
* Ground Beef

Last week we spent $105.04 on groceries and the savings rate came in at 40.50%. Spending for the month is $159.00 and the savings rate so far is 31.48%

Leftovers going into next week...Lobster Ravioli.

Here is what was planned for this week.....
1. Sunday--Cheeseburgers(bun optional), sautè yellow Squash
2. Monday--Stir-Fry Veggies w/Pork, Rice(optional)
3. Tuesday--Leftover Ravioli, Salad
4. Wednesday--TV dinners
5. Thursday--Salmon, Baked Sweet Potato Fries
6. Friday--Pasta w/Meatballs, Salad
7. Saturday--Chicken & Dumplings(if I can find a marked down rotisserie chicken at Walmart)

Nothing inspiring here.  Just trying to eat down what is here when I'm not getting great deals.

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week? 


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Frugal Friday....the Jan. 10th Edition on Saturday

Here are our frugal wins for this past week....

*  I love finding marked down foods at Kroger(this really doesn't happen at Walmart). I found some salads this past week. And I did a little Ibotta shopping for the food bank too. 8-)

*  We also had no food waste last week.   

* I cashed out a total of $75.00 from ShopKick.  Don't even ask about the massive Old Spice Deodorant debacle over there.

*  We bought gas at Kroger, using my points, when possible.

*  Entertainment last week was free tv, doing genealogy or reading.

* I changed Part D providers for 2025 since I was getting raped by United Healthcare with their insanely high premiums.  On a similar note I filled my Humira Rx so I am now in the Catastrophic Phase and now all my drugs will be free for the remainder of 2025.(It's truly sad that this one drug is so expensive that 1 fill puts you in the Catastropohic Phase.)

*  I found money! 

I found a dime at Kroger on 1/3/25.

Then we went to Walmart later that same day, 1/3/25, and I found another dime.
I guess having to bend over and pick up money keeps me limber. lol
We are off to a good start.
Grand Total Found this Year....... .20¢

That's all I got.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Grocery Hacks

 Tips on how to save $$$ on groceries............

Let us hear what you do to save on groceries,
