Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Return of the Sluggy's Boring Blog Giveaway!

I have decided to start up the Giveaways I used to do.  Some of you seemed to enjoy them so. ;-)

Here's what's in the current box of goodies......

And some close up photos...........
12 packets of Skittles
1 Bueno Kinder chocolate bar
1 Airwick Warmer w/the light
1 pack of Orbit gum
1 Jamaica bracelet
1 pack of Boiscoff cookies
1 pack of Clorox wipes
1  NCL belt clip
1 Bactine liquid bandage
1 Cover Girl eye shadow palette(235 Pure Radiance)
1 Cover Girl liquid foundation
1 NCL cellphone stand
1 tube of Tylenol

1 wooden NCL ink pen
1 thin plastic case(or pencils, pens or coupons and such)
1 pack of notes that are cat themed
1 pack of playing card from NCL
1 oven mitt
3 travel size tubes of Neutrogena
1 travel size tube of La Roche Hydrating Gentle Cleanser

1 twin pack of Febreeze car clips
1 reuseable plastic grocery bag
1 pair of slipper sox with grippy things on them
1 Lip Smacker strawberry lip gloss
1 Carmex lip balm

All this can be yours if you are chosen the winner.
You can enter once per day until Monday, March 10th at 11:59pm.
Please let me know in your entry what you have done for someone else lately.  It can be something big or small, just something you've done to help someone, make them smile or made their day better.
That's all.

Winner will be announced on the evening of March 11th.
Have a good weekend!



  1. I anonymously paid for the casket for a baby that the parents did not have the money to pay for.

  2. While grabbing fast food for dinner I picked up a shake for my neighbor. She is expecting twins and chocolate shakes are her craving.

  3. Ohh! Nice giveaway! Well, my good deeds are mostly done for my mother lately. Although, I don't mind one bit because I love her. She had a minor skin surgery last month, so I've been running her errands, helping with her meals, and helping her with light housework.

  4. Visited with a neighbor (who has been widowed 3 years) and enjoyed the sunshine and time with her.

  5. I'm a hermit as much as possible so I do not have much interaction with others. I'm not a douchebag to people so in this day and age that has to help people have better days. Lately, I guess the only things is I smile and say thank you and have a good day to people who check me out or bring out my groceries and I picked up some clearance soap and gum for my parents.

  6. I called my two elderly friends. I told one the date of a lunch. The other I just reconnected as I do every week. She has familial tremors, too.

    1. My tremors are NOT familial. There is no family history or genetic link to my condition. Just setting the record straight. 8-)

  7. I gifted a bunch of toys from my grown children's childhood to others. They decided they'd rather see the toys enjoyed vs. stored until they have children of their own. This was tough!

    Deb G.

  8. I donated food to a family in need this week. Best of luck to all the participants. Sluggy’s giveaways are the best, just like her!

  9. I was the shoulder to 'cry on' for a neighbor having trouble with his roommate. He needed advice about leaving.

  10. I put a few items in our church's Blessing Box for members of our community to take as needed.
    Thanks for the giveaway. --Angie

  11. I helped my neighbor last night put together a shelf. She called me panicked because she was at a loss to how to put it together.

  12. Wendy, that was extremely nice of you! I baked for after mass coffee hour.

  13. Great giveaway! I have been cooking and baking for my father in law who hates all his daughter in laws but I feel sorry for him so I do what I can.


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