Wednesday, March 19, 2025

It's Always Something

I think we've nailed down a one story duplex to rent down the road from our son.  rah.

Once we get back to PA and settled in we can start the search in earnest for a home.

So I went to try to start setting up medical stuff in that area.  Found a PCP and made an appt. for when after we get up there.  This health care system has that dreaded patient portal stuff so tried to set myself up in that only to have their system tell me I already have an account???

The only thing I can think is they bought out the hospital system there where I gave birth to my children so they would have my info in their system already but that was back before anybody had any patient portals??
So I'll have to call tomorrow and see what is going on as I've never been a patient with this healthcare system.

Ain't it always something?



  1. I have had happen before and I still cannot figure out how I had a previous account. I am so so happy you are moving close to your son and where you have doctors who know how to treat your health problems. My momma always said you don’t know someone until you marry them and you don’t know how you are going to like living in a a place until you actually move there. I think momma was right. Cindy in the South

  2. That is always so frustrating.
    I'm glad to hear you're making progress on moving.

  3. Glad you perhaps found a place to live. That happened with MIL, but she hadn't set it up and medical provider had - weird stuff.

  4. I refuse to use patient portal. I just show up or call repeatedly until they answer my questions. That is their job and we pay way too much for the service.

    1. actually that's not part of their job anymore. They fired or changed duties when the portals came it. VA is worst to deal with, you can't even talk to a doctor.


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