Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Great Western Road Trip 2017.....Part Thirty Two/Day Twenty Three & Twenty Four

Part One of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Two of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Three of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Four of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Five of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Six of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Seven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Eight of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Nine of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Ten of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Eleven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twelve of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Thirteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE  
Part Fourteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE  
Part Fifteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Sixteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Seventeen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Eighteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Nineteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Twenty of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty One of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Two of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Three of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Four of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Five of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Six of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Seven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Eight of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Nine of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Thirty of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE  
Part Thirty One of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE

Heading out from Northern IL, we headed South......

57 miles until Peru, IL.

A crop dusting plane or something of similar size.  There are farms down here so I figured a crop duster.

The Paw Paw Exit.  I love these unusual place names.....

We stopped to see some old friends at our usual meeting place, Cindy's Home Cooking in
Oglesby, IL.

I always get Walleye here, this time in a sandwich. Nom Nom

Me with the "Chef".  Man was I fat! lolz

A group photo of me, Hubs and Robin and Pam.
After lunch with them we headed to see Hubs' sister.  She needed a bit of help so we took her shopping to Walmart to pick up some needed food and toiletries stuff.  I think we took her out to eat that evening too.

We stayed at a hotel in her town that evening.
I loved this sign in the bathroom, letting you know the prices of items if you "took" them home with you.
Yeah, I don't think I could fit an Ironing Board in my suitcase if I tried. lolz  Geez, I could get most of this new in a store for less.......

The next morning we headed out through Indiana, toward Ohio.

The back of a truck seen along the highway......
"a free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, 
but they should have sufficient arms & ammunition
to maintain a status of independence from any who
might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government"
                                                           -George Washington

Welcome to Indiana

Heading toward Indianapolis and Interstate 70.
Notice that Indiana is NOT very welcoming.....their Welcome Center is closed.

A cute little trailer like one of those teardrop shaped travel trainers.....

Stopped for gas and I browsed the convenience store to stretch my legs.......

This one made me chuckle, because it was in the North! lolz

Back on the road........

And we are out of Indiana......

This billboard tells me we are in Ohio. lol
Skyline Chili anyone??

Mt. Orab.  Anybody know where this is?

Entering Amish territory in OH.

And HOG territory too....lolz

Hubs wanted to stop here for awhile at the Serpent Mound earthen works in Peebles, OH.

This mound is the largest known serpent shaped effigy in the world.  The mound was built most probably by the Hopewell and/or the Adena prehistoric cultures and radiocarbon dating suggests it's at least 2000 years old.

Hubs with the Ohio state marker at the site.

There was an informative museum there as well and you could learn about these prehistoric cultures and how and why they built earthen mounds.

The fascinating thing about this earthen mound(besides the shape)is that there is a triple coiled tale on the end.

Learning about the living arrangements of these prehistoric tribes....

A painting of a tribal ceremony.  That's me pretending to participate.  I do have a bit of Native American blood afterall.

A comparison of famous monuments.

A couple of examples of clay pottery found in the area, one is a whistle or flute of some kind.

A chart showing the Daily Life of the Ohio Hopewell...

More clay items found in the area that were made by these ancient peoples....

So after the museum we hit the trail to the Serpent......

A stone monument about the Serpent Mound.  Might I add that it was late August and hot as F**k outdoors.....

There was a viewing tower(think fire tower out West)and Hubs climbed it to get an areal look at the whole mound.  He also took my photo.  With my bad knee I was not about to attempt that climb(and descent).

Here's one of the photos he took.  Pictures really don't do it justice.

I think this sign was where you could view sunset during the Summer Solstice at the mound.

I felt ambitious so I took off along the paved loop around the mound.

Hubs caught up with me near the tail.  You can sort of make out the triple coil of the snake's tail behind him.

And me again, next to the stone monument after walking all the way around the mound.....and melting in the heat like the Wicked Witch of the West. lolz

There were little signs all around the area, next to other mounds reminding you that these were sacred areas to long gone indigenous peoples.

We finished our trip to the Serpent Mound and heading toward the motel we stayed at that night.

I may be juvenile but I had to snicker at the name of this creek we drove over. ;-)

Made to the motel out in the middle of nowhere aka the Southern tip of Ohio.
Our last two days of the trip coming up next.  



  1. The serpent mound was interesting. I wonder how they justified mowing and respecting the mound? I agree we should respect their culture. Did mowers receive a dispensation to walk on the mound? I am not being silly, but I do wonder.
    Well, you lost weight now, so that is the important part. I wish I could erase some photos of me! So, I know how you feel.

  2. You put a lot of work into this; good for you! I enjoy seeing the sights.


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