Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Thank You McDonald's

 Sitting in a McDonald's charging our phones.  Electric company says they expect power to be back on by Wednesday night at 10pm.  That's more than 3 days since it went out.  It could be worse...our trash guy had a tree limb come through his roof Sunday night.

Anybody want to buy a house here?  I'll gladly sell you mine!

Don't know what's going on in the big wide world out there and won't until we get power back.  FML at the moment


Monday, April 29, 2024

Welcome Home

 We had a hellacious storm just after I finished my call with youngest kid.  Power went out and remains out as of now.  Don't know when I'll be back online.  At least we didn't have a tornado come through here.

Welcome back to Lousyiana....


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Frugal Friday.....on Saturday, the April 27th Edition(3 Weeks Worth)

There are a few Frugal wins over the past 3 weeks. I missed posting this on Friday due to technical difficulties(jet lag, etc.)....

*  Forgot to mention at the beginning of the month I found a spiral cut ham at Kroger on clearance.....

*  Made some friends on the ship(and a new person to play trivia with online).

Trivia buddies on the ship, not the one who invited me to an online trivia group.

*  We made good use of our drinks package.  I gave Kim a run for her money drinking diet Coke(actually Coke Zero as it's better), tried lots of mixed drinks, bourbon, as well as have a pint (or 5) of Guinness. lolz  

*  I picked up some on sale(on offer)chocolate in Barcelona, Spain at a chocolatier and it made it home in my suitcase unscathed.  Mnnn, chocolate.

*  Here are all my shipboard prizes I won.........

1 t-shirt for dancing(LOL) at the sail away party
1 water bottle for winning a main stage game
2 decks of playing cards for various wins at trivia
3 tote bags 3 phone stands, 1 insulated wine glass, another deck of cards and another t-shirt chosen for turning all my signed activity cards (104 signatures)

I also got this kid's robot toy as part of the winning team at another main stage game.  I didn't want to carry this home(took up space in the luggage)so I went down to the "Splash Academy" and gave it to the Youth Staff to use as a prize for a game down there for the kids.

*  I also got these things for free.......

The earbuds and the Biscoff cookies were from two different flights.  The cruise memories keychain was something someone on the ship was giving out to folks and I happened to be in the right place at the right time to get one.  The Australia bracelet was found tucked into a deck sign near "The District" which was the beer pub on the ship.  We had A LOT of Aussies on this cruise and I made a few friends(a group who played Progressive Trivia like us, a lady named Grace, and a couple we sat next to at the Seafood restaurant among others).  

*  We received a bottle of champagne because we were Gold Tier.  That got used on the last full day of the cruise.  We brought the bottle, 2 champagne flutes from our room and glass of OJ from one of the restaurants and made Mimosas for Breakfast while playing morning trivia. ;-))  
*  We also got a free bag of laundry done by the ship housekeeping staff due to our tier level......

It came back washed, dried, ironing and presented in tissue paper placed in a wicker basket.
I thought of Sissie when I saw it. lol

*  We also received chocolates one day when we came back to the room......

And then a plate of cookies another day........

And then, after the Shore Excursion people f'ed up big time and screwed 5 busloads of cruisers out of their excursion, we found this in our room the next day......

They tasted pretty bad and left a bad taste in our mouths, but not as bad as the taste from them ruining our excursion and wasting our whole day. 8-(

 We got a lot of food on the flight back from Rome....

I FINALLY got a Dr. Pepper(well I actually had THREE on the flight from Rome to Charlotte-it was looooong!)after going through withdrawal since the ship only had Coke Zero and no place we saw in Europe had a Dr. Pepper.  Those people are savages I tell ya, savages! ;-)

We got a proper meal(lunch or dinner, who's to say as we were traveling back in time heading home......

A tiny little snack of ice cream from the UK.  It needed more vanilla in it.

And a Monty's Bakehouse Pastry.  Think fancy Hot Pocket. lol

I found money!  Yes in Europe I find money. 8-)

In Dallas I found a penny at the airport, before heading to the hotel for the night.....

Then at various times on the cruise ship I went through the casino and found a .30¢ voucher and an .80¢ voucher abandoned in two different slot machines.(Didn't get a photo of the .80¢ one before cashing it out.)

That ticket turned into this at the cashier's booth and the ,80¢ voucher turned into more coins....

Then I found a .20 Euro coin in Portugal while buying a cork bag from a vendor.....

And another 2 x .10 Euro coins on the ship that someone dropped and left in the Atrium.....

Then in the airport in Rome we both found 5 Euro.  I saw it first but was riding in a wheelchair and the pusher didn't speak English so I couldn't get him to stop so I pointed it out with my cane the Hubs and he scooped it up.....

Then we found a quarter going through TSA in Charlotte.....

And we went out for pizza Thursday night as we got in after 4pm from Dallas and I found 2 pennies in the pizza place...

Total Found in the last 3 Weeks.... $1.38 & 5 Euro and .30 Euro

Grand Total Found this Year.......$4.07 & 5.30 Euros

That's all I got.  

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!


Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Great Road Trip of 2017......Part Thirty One/Day Twenty Two

Part One of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Two of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Three of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Four of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Five of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Six of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Seven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Eight of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Nine of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Ten of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Eleven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twelve of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Thirteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE  
Part Fourteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE  
Part Fifteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Sixteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Seventeen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Eighteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Nineteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Twenty of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty One of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Two of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Three of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Four of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Five of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Six of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Seven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Eight of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Nine of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Thirty of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE

We headed out from the hotel in Wisconsin bright and early, only stopping for gas.
I saw these bags of rock salt at the gas station.  Funny how it's out in early August?

Went into the convenience store and found a couple more of those weird Snickers bars......

Then we passed "The Cheese Hut"(in Wisconsin of all places!lol).  Went in and they had fresh cheese curds(you haven't had a good cheese curd if it doesn't squeak when you bite it)and I picked up a nice aged cheddar too.

Me with my cheesy loot.
They also sold Gas, Beer and Sandwiches......

A sign on the highway for Baraboo.  Do you know that this city was the original Winter Headquarters of the Ringling Brothers Circus?  They now have a Circus Museum there and hold Circuses(is that a word?...it looks funny).

I always chuckle when I see the name of that Casino.  It reminds me of what happened in college when you drank too much. lol

"Drive Like A Boss".  Yeah, you tell em man!

And then we hit Illinois.  Not my favorite place by any means.  But it was then where my cousin(and then, fellow blogger)Sonya Ann lived so we made a stop to see her, on purpose, even though it meant staying in Illinois. ;-)

We got to her house and found she was nursing a baby squirrel(like feeding it with an eye dropper, etc.) that either fell out of a tree and/or was abandoned by it's mother.  I don't recall now.

That night we just chilled with Sonya Ann and her then hubby(aka The Asshole).
The next morning Sonya and I drove to the local Goodwill to do some shopping/browsing.

Saw these auto dealer workers along the way, on strike. 

I could have gotten a great deal on this recording of the music from a Waltz and Polka Mass.
Oh well.....
A card game called "Senior Moments".  Hmm.

Another game called "Men are Pigs".  The cover art on the box was disturbing.

A mug with a purple "Leave Me A Loan" monster on it from a local credit union.

I should have scooped up these rainbow string lights but didn't as there was nowhere to test them.

Saw Cousin George in the Goodwill.  Hey George!

Saw this very bad parking job on the way out of the store.  I think they got two tires in the actual parking spot. lolz  I see people here in Louisiana park in the crosshatching ALL THE TIME.  Not only are they possibly physically handicapped but mentally as well. ;-)

An actual photo of one of Sonya's cats, Harry.  He was a sweetie but usually hid when we were there so this is a rare picture of him.

Sonya gave me some homemade jams.  Yum.

When "The Asshole" got home from work we all went over the border to Wisconsin for dinner at a retro-type diner.

Sonya next to "The Asshole".  I cut him out of the photo. ;-)

Lots of memorabilia on the walls.  And check out this cool 1950's/1960's boomerang tabletop on all the tables.

The plates of food were ginormous!  I think I had a garden salad, liver(sorry Anne!)with onions, mashed taters and some steamed veggies.  Hubs had a meatloaf special which was more gravy than anything else. lol

I forced Sonya to have her picture taken.  We have both lost weight since this photo. 8-)

The next day we took a field trip to Woodman's, a big ass grocery store with an almost as big liquor store.  Hubs walking toward his Valhalla. lolz

Funny name for a Rye Whiskey....Yippee Ki-Yay.  And look, what a deal!  Buy TWELVE bottles and it will only cost you $56.40 per bottle.  Yikes!

Some beer or liquor have funny names......."Drunken Sailor" an Irish Whisky.  What do you do with a drunken sailor?

Then there's a Japanese Whisky from the House of Suntory.

This makes me laugh and think of the scene from "Lost in Translation" when the Bill Murray plays a has-been actor character who is hired in Japan to shoot a commercial for Suntory.....

Hellboy Hell Water??  Man that looks scary!

How about some "Punk Ass Cat" IPA beer?

Or let's get "Scurvy"?  Umm, no thanks.....

Wicked Bad Ass beer.  What's with all the bad ass alcohol??

Weekend @ Louie's beer. lol
Justin Blabaer liquor??

"The Asshole" had to go to the ER for some reason(he tried to lance a boil in his throat or something)so Hubs and I were on our own for dinner so we went to Culver's.

I got a "concrete" and a salad.  After dinner we went back to their house and chilled until they got back from the ER.

The next evening we met Asshole's parents at Portillo's for dinner.  I don't get why they all rave about this place but it's ok.

I'm always happy to spend time with Sonya but this was an awkward visit due to personal issues.  But if I am near where she is I'm glad to see her.  I wish she lived nearer.
FYI-that baby squirrel didn't make it. 8-(

The next morning we headed out to another destination.
