Here's the Update on this week's To-Do List--
* Finish cleaning #2 Son's room no
* Clean out & organize Hall Entry Closet done
* Clean out & organize Hall Linen Closet done
* Write 5 Letters I wrote 1 letter.
* Complete car donation to ARC done
* Call motel to make reservations for September no
* Call Boarding Kennel for October no
* If time for it, start in on Garage Cleaning/Organizing done
* Finish load to Salvation Army done
* Finish straps on the nightgown I sewed no
* Reconsider how to proceed with the Etsy store and eBay done
* Work on a home project this weekend with Hubs(probably the Garage) done-We worked on the garage
Well I got ssome stuff completed.
The #2 Son room clean out isn't finished but it's in progress. I really need to get this one finished because his room is going to be my staging area for going through the rest of my fabrics before I put them on Etsy.
Here's the new To-Do List for this Week--
* Finish cleaning #2 Son's room
* Write 4 Letters
* Call motel to make reservations for September
* Call Boarding Kennel for October
* Clean out my bedroom closet
* Go through my Christmas gift box(yes I just said CHRISTMAS!)
* Finish straps on the nightgown I sewed
* Relist fabrics on listings that expired earlier this year on Etsy
* Put up another shelving unit to hold fabrics in spare bedroom.
* Finish going through stuff in garage to put on eBay or send to Salvation Army
* Pick out some fabrics to sew into clothes when I go through the tubs.
* Order photo prints from relatives Shutterfly account.
* Clean out kitchen island and organize
* Do Net Worth Statement for Sept. 1st
* Calculate Food Spending for August
* Calculate $24K Savings Challenge Results for August
Just a few things on my list this week, huh?
The beginning of the month is always busy for me with all the financial stuff.
Throw in what I didn't get finished last week with new goals and the financial stuff and I've got a big big week!
I am tired already...... ;-)
The reservations and the straps to be sewn on the gown won't take long but the rest of it? Geez!
I'll just pick something each morning and go with it, ya know?
Here's what's ahead this week on the blog too--
* This Week on the Dining Table
* At least 1 July Trip post-I am so behind on writing these up!
* Something genealogy related
* Food Spending for Aug.
* Savings Challenge for Aug.
* Probably a mish-mosh of randomness
* What I got at Rite-Aid this week-yep I am still doing Rite-Aid this week....
So what is everyone else working on this week?
How did your plan go from last week?
Did you get anough accomplished to feel successful?