Thursday, July 25, 2024

Surgery is Tomorrow Morning

 Technically this isn't an invasive surgery, it's a procedure, but they call it a surgery.  The risks and side effects are still there but all in all this is a fairly safe surgery.

I am on Day 5 of being off my tremor medication so I can't really type out a long post...well, I could but it would take hours. ;-)  There have been a few hiccups since I got to Virginia but I'll blog about all that once I can get on the computer again.

So I'll leave you with these videos of people's journey through this condition and the procedure.  I wish I could find a video of a woman patient but I can't.

And yes, they will be shaving my head.  From the webinars I've attended this seems to be a big stumbling block for women and why some shy away from this treatment.  Bald and women don't mix very well in our society.


I spoke too soon.  Here is a woman's story.


I go in early Friday morning for the procedure.  Please keep good thoughts for the outcome for me. 8-)



  1. Go Sluggy go! You got this!

  2. Sending good thoughts your way for a easy procedure & quick recovery

  3. I don't mean to be flippant, but being bald might be easier than falling in bathtub and having such gory wounds. Good luck.

  4. Good thoughts and prayers sent your way! Judy in CA

  5. smooth sailing ahead.. best wishes on a smooth procedure and recovery

  6. Sending healing vibes to you!!

  7. Hoping it's successful!! Good luck!!

  8. Sending lots of good thoughts! Hope all goes well and you have a great outcome.

  9. Good luck and praying for successful outcome. Joyce of Pa

  10. Best wishes all goes well with an easy recovery!!

  11. As my father always said...Bald is Beautiful. Prayers.

  12. Prayers. Cindy in the South

  13. Prayers all goes well and you are being sent total healing blessings. Good luck.

  14. Wishing you all the best tomorrow and a speedy recovery. SuzInWA

  15. Good luck. Practical Parsimony

  16. Sissy here, good luck! Kim and I send prayers!

  17. Good luck - basically ultrasound on your head? That's why they shave it, I'm assuming?

  18. Hope it went well and you’re cured right now!

  19. Sending lots of love, good thoughts and prayers for you, Sluggy.


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