Thursday, July 11, 2024

Finished My Bonus

 I went back to Walmart on Wednesday and bought a few things to hit my $5 Midweek Bonus.

Besides I also had to pick up a pair of clogs for Hubs as his have worn out.

2 x Bush's Zero Sugar Beans $4.34
2 x Febreeze Gain Fabric sprays  $3.94
1 x Barilla Pesto sauce  $2.64


I earned back....
* $11.94  Ibotta
* $3.00  SwagBucks
* $1.50 Checkout 51
$16.44 earned back so a $5.52 moneymaker.  Add this lot to Monday's lot($1.54 OOP)and we get a $3.98 moneymaker for the week.

That's all I got for today.  I am 19 items away from the big $10 Fireworks Bonus so probably won't finish that one before the weekend is over.

I somehow jacked up my leg the last few days and we sat in the ER for hours last night but they found nothing(no blood clots or broken bones)so I am going to do a lot of laying in bed(if I can straighten my leg out)and taking Naproxen like the ER doc said to do.  I hope to gosh this resolves or gets better before I fly out and then have to lay flat on a Cat Scan bed, etc. next week.  ouch



  1. I love how you all save money with all these deals - I get a headache trying to figure them out.
    Feel better quickly!!

  2. Cheryl, thank you and I'd only do this as long as I had an outlet for the items bought I don't use-those all go to the food bank or others.
    After doing this grocery rebating for so long(since 2000)it's second nature to me really.

  3. I'm always amazed at your shopping/savings. I hope your leg is on the mend soon. It's no fun not feeling well.


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