Thursday, July 4, 2024

My Connection to the Declaration of Independence

As the English of that time would wished us, "Happy Treason Day to you all!". ;-)

We had a trivia question at the bar and grill last night that got me thinking, which led me to look at my humongous, compiled family tree.

The question at trivia was how many signers of the Declaration of Independence became US Presidents.

Hubs and I got the answer correct(2-Thomas Jefferson and John Adams)but I went and looked online at a list of the signatory's as I didn't remember some of their names.

There were 25 Lawyers, 17 Merchants,  15 Plantation Owners or Farmers, 3 Physicians, 3 Ministers, 3 Scientists, 2 Land Speculators, 1 Printer, 1 Military Officer, 1 Land Owner, 1 Surveyor, and 1 Musician.  Of course, some of these men had more than 1 occupation. 

The largest colony contingency was from Virginia, my home state, with 7 members-Carter Braxton, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Jefferson, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Nelson Jr., and George Wythe.

Just out of curiosity I went to my Ancestry Tree to look and wouldn't you know?....I am related in some capacity to all 7 OF THEM!! lol  Some are more closely related cousins and some are distant relations by marriage.

Carter Braxton is the nephew of the wife of my 7th Great Grand Uncle.

Benjamin Harrison V is my 1st Cousin 8 x removed.

Thomas Jefferson is my 5th Cousin 9 x removed(as well as the nephew of my 7th Great Grandmother).

Both Francis Lightfoot and Richard Henry Lee are nephews of the husband of my 4th cousin 10 x removed.

Thomas Nelson Jr. is my 2nd cousin 8 x removed.

George Wythe is the husband of my 3rd cousin 7 x removed.

So I've got a lot of traitors/patriots' blood coursing through my veins it seems.



  1. Now we know why Sluggy is a bit outspoken and sassy! It is in her blood as my grandma used to say… lol. Sluggy would have probably sewed the Stars and Stripes herself if she were alive back in the day!!! Or perhaps she would have handled a musket or two…….what do ya think Anne in the Kitchen or Kim????Cindy in the South

  2. You always know where I stand and where someone stands with me. I don't play games and speak my truth. If that's sassy then so be it! ;-) Kim is off seeing Canada right now so that's why she is quiet.


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