Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stuff Around Here

 Just a post about what I have noticed around here lately.

That's a photo of an Indian Shot or Canna Indica.  

It's a tropical flowering plant and I've counted 5 "shoots" so there are 5 plants in there and it seems to spread/propagate too.

I got this piece of mail the other day offering me a student loan opportunity. I am 65 years old so they are about 45 years too late on this one. lol

They had this "beer tank" set up in the Walmart across the river.  That town is what it is because of the military base near by. and blue cases of beer.  Yeah....someone at that Walmart has too much time on their hands to think up shit like this. lol

This Dodge Charger muscle car was parked next to me in a handicapped spot.  I can't imagine an elderly person(most people parked in handicapped spots are elderly)around here being  able to afford a car like this.  I guess this is their dream car from their youth and/or they have a car note at least or they got a big settlement with one of the ambulance chaser lawyers that advertise heavily in the area.  If this guy was messed up in an accident, that would explain him parking in a handicapped spot too. ;-)

I bought a zippy jacket on clearance two clearance events ago at Dollar General for very cheap.   I needed a light colored one and liked this turquoise color.
I didn't notice until I got it home and tried it on and saw it had one of those holes in the cuff for your thumb.  ???
WTF is up with all these shirts/jackets having a slit for your thumb?  Is it a new fashion trend?

I saw this on someone's Facebook wall and had to steal it. LOLOLZ  Yes, Keith Richards looks that old!

Here's what passes for a low daytime temperature around here in late June

And here's another day, another opportunity for heat stroke!

Yeah, this would be me in public if I wouldn't get arrested for public indecency. lol

My last online order from the fat lady store(they do carry smaller sizes too)and just look at all the crap they put in my parcel.  Catalog after catalog.  But wait!  There's more.....

I couldn't fit it all into one photo!  And besides the catalogs there are ads for absolute crap that has nothing to do with clothing.  My package would have weighed HALF of what it was without all this junk in it.  Unbelievable....

They are building a house near us in a fallow field.  The resident vultures roost at the back of this field on an old chain link dog kennel.  This shot was taken a little over a week ago on  the way home from taking the dogs to their vet appointment a week ago Friday.  The workmen had done the groundwork and poured the concrete pad the previous week and it looks like they have made major strides with the framing rather quickly.

Here is the same house in progress on Saturday evening as I was driving home from Dollar General.  The roof was on and the whole house has been wrapped.  I can't wait to see how this progresses.

And speaking of vultures....I went out back on Tuesday morning and looked up and saw 40+ vultures circling overhead.  I tried to take a photo but you really can't see them in this.  Maybe if you enlarge it you can see tiny  specks of black which would be the vultures.  I was amazed at how many where up there.

And as I have noted before, this state and this area in particular is a very poor part of the state.

It was no surprise to me to see that the local city bus was wrapped in an ad for "Keeping Your Medicaid".  Don't lose your coverage because your contact information isn't up to date!  There are ads on the tv constantly as well as many, many billboards around town about not letting your Coverage lapse.  The great Medicaid state, Louisiana!

We've had the handyman here the end of last week.  We've gotten 2 doors inside and the glass shower door fixed and they used extra siding left under the house to patch the siding on the house with holes in it. rah!  They removed the shitty old holey skirting on the house(our nekkid house pictured above)and we are suppose to get delivery of the new skirting on Monday so they can install it.  Well, there is Somebody called Beryl wanting to cause problems here with torrential rains on Monday so the skirting can't be installed and Beryl will flood under the house so then we'll have to wait for that to all dry up before the work can be finished. sigh

And to finish this off, I received this in the mail a couple of weeks ago.  An "EARLY" Birthday invitation to the Golden Corral, from one of those Medicare insurance agents, trying to get me to sign up for a plan through them so they get a commission.  Only problem is I turned 65 in January and am already on Medicare.  I should go for the meal and then the laughs on them! lolz

So what's going on in your world?



  1. I embiggened the photo of the sky and held the laptop to my face and saw the vultures. I have never seen vultures so high, but that may be because I cannot see vultures that high.
    I didn't know that skirting could keep water out.

  2. This was a fun post. I enjoyed seeing all that's going on in and around your world. A couple of years ago I bought this soft, comfy long sleeve t shirt type of top and didn't notice the slits for the thumb until I put it on. I don't understand it but it is apparently a thing. I hope Beryl doesn't drop too much rain on you.

  3. I would be worried if I saw 40 vultures over my house. I would be checking my pulse!!!! LOL

  4. That's a lot of freaking vultures. I love the color of the jacket but I hate clothes that have that thumb hole in them. I hope Beryl spares you guys a lot of rain. Apparently it is supposed to hit here in Ohio on Wednesday with heavy rain all day. I actually wrote a blog post last night. Lol. Today I am tackling yard work this morning and just trying to stay cool. (Our AC is broken).

  5. After the past week feeling like crap, forty vultures would not surprise me at all.

  6. The thumb hole was in Ohio a couple years ago. My daughters that always have cold hands loved them.

  7. OH forgot, a lot of senior citizens go to college around here to learn computer and other things. Daddy was in his late 70s when he went

  8. I LOVE those slits in the sleeves...makes me feel like a medieval maiden. Or Juliet. Also, it keeps your sleeves from riding up and looking messy. I wish more sweaters had them.
    They invited you to the meal -- go to it! You enjoy eating out...
    I know you're frustrated about your kids - but moving again so quickly, is that wise? A long talk with your husband about this might help resolve some things.
    Still love reading your blog - especially all the picky little details.


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