Tuesday, February 11, 2025

This Week on the Dining Table

 The "I Am Not Eating" Edition........

This is a menu for Hubs.  I don't plan on eating this week besides having one of those supplement drinks.

Onward to the meal planning!
Here is what was planned for the last week.....
1. Sunday--Leftover Beef Pie
2. Monday---Rotisserie Chicken, Leftover Sweet Potato Fries
3. Tuesday--Thai Chicken w/Rice or Veggie Lasagna
4. Wednesday--Pot Roast, Onions and Carrots, Rice(optional)
5. Thursday--Salmon, Veggie TBD
6. Friday--Leftovers TBD
7. Saturday--Leftovers TBD

And here's what actually happened....
1. Sunday--Leftover Beef Pie
2. Monday---Rotisserie Chicken, Leftover Sweet Potato Fries
3. Tuesday--Thai Chicken w/Rice or Veggie Lasagna
4. Wednesday--Pot Roast, Onions, Sweet Potatoes and Carrots, Rice(optional)
5. Thursday--Salmon, Leftover Green Beans
6. Friday--Leftovers Beef Pie
7. Saturday--Pork w/Stir-Fry

Everything pretty much happened but not necessarily on the day it was planned.

What got taken out of the freezer.......
*  Thai Chicken
*  Beef Roast
*  Salmon
*  Pork Tenderloin

Last week we spent $99.28 on groceries and the savings rate came in at 38.49%. Spending for the month is $99.28 and the savings rate is 38.49% for February before rebate monies are added in.

Rebates earned in February-
$21.33 on Ibotta
$0.00 on Checkout51
$17.98 on Aisle and Misc.
$39.31Total in $$

75 Pts. on Fetch
3 Pts. on SwagBucks
0 Pts. on My Points
0 Pts. on ShopKick
0 Pts. on TaDa
(I don't count these until I cash out for a gift card or cash.)

Leftovers going into next week...Pot Roast w/Veggies, Spaghetti.

Here is what was planned for this week.....
1. Sunday--Salmon Burgers, Saute Cabbage
2. Monday---Pork Loin, Roasted Brussels Sprouts
3. Tuesday--Pot Roast Stew from Leftover Pot Roast
4. Wednesday--Salmon, Yellow Squash
5. Thursday--Leftovers
6. Friday--Shrimp, Veggie TBD
7. Saturday--Leftovers TBD

Just trying to eat down what is here when I'm not getting great deals.  I chose my meals by cherry picking the deals and building meals around those items, combined with what is in my freezer.
What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week? 



  1. What’s up with Google? What is “sensitive content “ about this?

  2. Please let us know how the no-food week goes. Is it to help you re-set your diet? Is the doctor okay with doing it? Curious about how the week goes for you!

    Deb G

  3. I just got a Google "sensitive content warning" that asked if I wanted to proceed to your blog. Wow! What a world we are living in. Good thing I am Gen X and don't get upset too easily :).

  4. I just go day by day on meals - I can't plan in advance to save my soul! LOL

  5. Cherry picking deals and building meals around those items is a great way to save money. We often only buy items on sale to stock our pantry too.


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