Sunday, February 23, 2025

Just Stuff

You would think it's the end of the world here because we got a few flakes of snow on Thursday and it got down to 15F degrees that evening.  Everyone was bundled up in 10 layers of clothing.  And I'm sitting here saying, "Honey you don't know what snow is."

This is snow...........

Or This..........

Or even this........

Wimps the whole lot of 'em! lolz

So I've got all this fabric and was wondering if anyone would like buy some of it.  It's all vintage and some of it was bought in the 1990's and is much better quality then you can get now.  I've got prints to make clothing(some with kiddie prints), wool, corduroy, challis, and some cottons that would be suitable for quilting too(but most of it was purchased with an eye toward making clothing).
Hit me up privately if this is something that would interest you.  I really don't want to have to move my stash again and can make you a much better price than Jo-Ann's, etc. will give you.  I don't have the time or patience to put this on a site and wait for someone to buy something. ugh  Otherwise except for a few lengths of fabric I have plans for it's going to Goodwill.

We've got the next cruise and excursions picked and arranged for June.  Now we just have to move this Shit Show out of Louisiana before then.

If you go on Facebook check out Tanara Double Chocolate.  She is so funny.  
"Everyone's so creative!"

My youngest child had his birthday yesterday.  I secretly sent the door banner announcing his birth to his fiancée and he put the banner on the outside of the bedroom door.  I am sneaky. ;-)

Then fiancée's parents made him a birthday cake when they went over there.

It hurt my heart not to be there to help him celebrate his day but I know he was happy and in good hands.
I sent him gifts and a card but haven't heard yet if he opened/liked them yet.

Happy Birthday son!!!

That's about all I have to say today.

Everyone be safe and well.



  1. I love the fabric. If I had my machine set up, I would be very interested.

  2. Cute kid. Nice smile. I remember the years you could not get a smile for the camera.

  3. Yep, some folks don't understand true cold and snow. I had someone tell me they were in the 40's and 50's in Florida and it was so cold. People here will be in shorts with those temps! LOL

  4. I remember snow like that when I was a kid growing up in Central Illinois.

  5. Having grown up in Illinois, I definitely know all about snow, which is why I live in the south. LOL

    Happy Birthday to your son.

    I'll have Bailey come and look at the fabric as she might be interested. :)

  6. Happy birthday to your son! No, we do not handle 15 degrees well in the Deep South… lol.Thank God for 70’s this week! Cindy in the South


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