Friday, February 28, 2025

Frugal Friday....the February 28th 2025 Edition

Here are our frugal wins for this past week....

*  I love finding marked down foods at Kroger(this really doesn't happen at Walmart).  I found 2 dented cans of crushed tomatoes(or double crushed if you count the cans lol)markes down to .09¢ each, a carton of oatmilk to use in my oatmeal was a $1.01 moneymaker,  some clearance marked Hummus and Spinach Yogurt Dip, 2 lbs. of Smoked Sausage for $1.99 total after sale and digital coupon, 2 1lb. packs of Ground Sirloin on clearance for $5.16 each, a 3/4 lb. of salmon  for $1.65 after clearance price and mega sale, 4 lbs. of strawberries for $1.88 each after digital coupon sale, 2 bottles of Panera Blueberry/Pomegranate Vinaigrette dressing clearance to $1.24 each after sale price and mega sale, and 5 packages of Jiffy cornbread mix marked down to .33¢ each.

*  We used up some pantry items as well.

*  We also had no food waste last week.   We cooked at home and then ate some leftovers this past week. There was no eating out.

*  I sold a length of fabric last week.  Of course I took an offer that was less than I probably paid for it and I hadn't updated my bank account info since the move so it went to an account that doesn't exist. lol  Stupid me.  Hopefully that bank returns it and I do finally get the cash.  

*  While grocery shopping I picked up some items for the food bank we donate to.  It wasn't much cash out of hand but helps folks struggling here out and makes us feel good.
Spending money on groceries not for us isn't frugal but it certainly is frugal for others.  Especially if it's toiletries or paper goods which they can't use EBT/Snap benefits on.

* It's been warm here so the heat has been off during the day.  Not "hang your laundry out to dry warm" but warm enough not to need the furnace days.

*  Entertainment last week was free tv, YouTube watching, doing genealogy or reading.

*  I found money! 

Between Aldi and Kroger I found .27¢ total-a quarter and 2 pennies last week.
Found Money This Week.... .27¢
Grand Total Found this Year....... .57¢

That's all I got.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!



  1. No frugality; I am on vacation not a time to save money.

  2. Sluggy have you already moved to the better place or not yet?

  3. You did very well.

    God bless.


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