Monday, January 27, 2025

This Week on the Dining Table......Jan. 26th to Feb. 1st

* Still taking names/emails of people who want continued access to the blog after I take it private.  If you left me a comment with your email or emailed me I have you, don't worry. 8-)

The "I'm Confused" Edition........

I was in Walmart last week and saw this sign.  The Rollback price is higher than the regular price?  The other side of the bin also had the same configuration--$1.08 lb. reg. price and the Rollback price being $1.48 lb.  WTF???
I mentioned this discrepancy to a produce employee, who brought it to the attention of his manager and the manager removed the $1.08 lb. sign right in front of me.  Walmart-what a bunch of crooks!  I would have been so mad if I was a low-income shopper who thought she was getting that squash for $1.08 lb. because of that sign only to be tricked into paying $1.48 lb. at the register.

Onward to the meal planning!
Here is what was planned for the last week.....
1. Sunday--Chicken and Dumplings
2. Monday--Beef Pie
3. Tuesday--Lemon Pepper Chicken w/Zuke
4. Wednesday--Soup and Cornbread
5. Thursday--Leftovers
6. Friday--Leftovers
7. Saturday--Salmon, Sweet Potato Fries

And here's what actually happened....
1. Sunday--Chicken and Dumplings
2. Monday--Eat Out Lunch
3. Tuesday--Eat Out Lunch
4. Wednesday--Lemon Pepper Chicken w/Zuke
5. Thursday--Beef Pie
6. Friday--Caesar Salad, Pizza
7. Saturday--Salmon, Leftover Green Beans,
Corn on the Cob

Got a day old Rotisserie Chicken to use in Chicken and Dumplings.  Got some marked down Chicken Thighs to make the Lemon Pepper Chicken. some marked down Ground Beef-some to make Hamburgers, some for Beef Pie and some for the Freezer for later.  We ate out for my Birthday 2 lunches, used a gift certificate for one of those meals.

What got taken out of the freezer.......
* Ground Beef
* Chicken Thighs
* Salmon
* Pizza

Last week we spent $76.27 on groceries(proving that eating healthier is more expensive)and the savings rate came in at 50.71%. Spending for the month is $367.64 and the savings rate so far is 38.57%.
There are 5 days left in the month.  I may actually come in under $400 this month for food shopping.  That's just so unheard of!

Leftovers going into next week...1 slice Meatloaf, 2 Hamburgers, 2 helpings Lemon Pepper Chicken w/Zuke, Beef Pie, lots of Chicken and Dumplings.

Here is what was planned for this week.....
1. Sunday--Leftover Chicken and Dumplings
2. Monday--Chicken, Green Beans
3. Tuesday--Leftovers(probably the Hamburgers and a Veg)
4. Wednesday--Shrimp, Baked Sweet Potato Fries
5. Thursday--Pasta in Mushroom Sauce with Meatballs, Salad
6. Friday--Leftovers
7. Saturday--Salmon or Chicken Burgers, Leftover Green Beans

I really like the Kroger shrimp and it was on special this week so we picked some more up.  I also bought 4 lbs. of strawberries as they were $2.99 per and I'll be eating those with yogurt for breakfast or for a snack at night this week.  Got a bag of 2 lbs. of green beans and 4 corn on the cob so those are on this week's menu(well the corn got eaten Sat. evening).

Just trying to eat down what is here when I'm not getting great deals.  I chose my meals by cherry picking the deals and building meals around those items, combined with what is my freezer.
What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week? 



  1. I dislike Walmart and this is just another reason why. My plan this week was to eat up the various soups, stews, chili in the freezer and we did. It was a cold week so they hit the spot.

  2. Keep me in

  3. I would have demanded the sale price!

  4. Can you post the recipe for the Beef Pie?
    I do the same--get the markdowns/sales and use stuff at home for meals. Tommy digs around and finds leftovers, and maybe I make something else to go with it. Sometimes, we eat different things to finish off leftovers and keep from
    The other day I was teasing him and seriously suggested we buy another freezer. He thought I had lost my mind.
    He is not picky about meals, so it is easy to shop and cook.
    For three months, I have said I was going to make salmon croquettes. This week may be the week.

  5. Grocery stores think they are getting over on us. They can be so dishonest. When I can play games and get things much cheaper, I will. We can both play those games.
    Remember back in the double triple coupon days? I was sure they hated to see me coming!!!

  6. Strawberries have been over $5 per pound but they will be $2.50 starting tomorrow. Hopefully they look ok.

    I pulled a container of chili out of the freezer which should last a few more days. Maybe some kind of pasta after that is gone.

  7. I've caught a couple of Walmart errors like that too. Definitely crooks!

  8. please invite me to your blog

    1. With no email I can't admit you to a private blog.


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