Friday, January 24, 2025

Frugal Friday....the Jan. 24th Edition

If you don't like my blog and what I write about then don't come here, leaving your nastiness in my comments which no longer will be published.  I speak truths that some people don't want to hear or can't accept so don't come here spewing your hate and telling me that my children are correct to stab me in the back and keep my granddaughter from me because of my political views and/or because I am a bad person.  My bad mood isn't due to medications but due to awful adult children who have stolen from me. I am tired of you haters so just go away and torture someone else.


Here are our frugal wins for this past week....

*  I love finding marked down foods at Kroger(this really doesn't happen at Walmart). I found some salads this past week and a tub of tuna salad. I did a little Ibotta shopping for the food bank too. 8-)
I find it inconvenient that you have to submit your whole receipt from Kroger to Ibotta and not just the barcode like you can at Walmart.  I spent way too much of my time this week trying to get my receipt corrected from Kroger.  Turns out Ibotta rejected my 1/17/25 receipt 3 TIMES before correcting their error and shorted me on numerous rebates plus the Weekend $5 Bonus. Argh.
I'm rethinking just doing Ibotta at Walmart and not doing Ibotta deals at Kroger.  Nobody needs this sort of stress.

*  We also had no food waste last week.   We ate lots of leftovers this past week.

*  I cashed out a total of $83.70 from Ibotta.

*  We turn down the thermostat 2 degrees as night.  Being under blankets we don't need it as warm when we are in bed. ;-)

*  Entertainment last week was free tv, doing genealogy or reading.

*  I found money! 

I thought I was going to get skunked this week but I found a penny on my birthday in Walmart.

Found Money This Week.... .01¢
Grand Total Found this Year....... .22¢

That's all I got.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!



  1. Sorry about the hate and blaming you for your children's awful behavior.

  2. Totally with you on the adult children problem. And when they turn out to be schmucks instead of loving and grateful, people say you didn't raise them right. Makes me furious. We should sit down with coffee and donuts and have a good ***** session. :D

  3. Well my middle son burned my house down and tried to kill me. He has severe mental issues and some folks try to blame me. I have two decent kids also and one who I walk on eggshells around. There are some folks who are just nasty and when you are at your worst and hurting, they try to finish you off mentally. I totally understand Sluggy. You have a great child, and one not so great, and it appears that the not so great one has influenced your daughter against you. Children take their own path and they are grown. We just did the best we could. Hugs. Cindy in the South

  4. It makes me sad that you have gotten so much negativity on a blog that has brought so much community. I already sent an inclusion request, but wanted to say that I love your writing.


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