Monday, June 3, 2024

What's on the Dining Table.....June 3rd Edition

The "Life Will Be Different This Week" Edition.....

Hubs has a colonoscopy a week from today so this meal plan is very strange.  We were on a high fiber diet of fresh produce and salads along with meats/fish with very few carby/starchy foods.  This week will be different for him but I'll be sticking with our usual menu.
Here's a photo Hubs took of me all decked out in the clothing from Talbot's Sissie curated for me last December when we visited.  I was sorely in need of new clothing after losing a lot of weight.  Those pants are suppose to be capri length but I have shrunk in height so much that they are long pants on me. lol
And my dog photo bombed the picture too. 8-)))

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week...........
1. Sunday--Steak, Leftover Green Beans
2. Monday--Hamburgers on Buns, Corn on cob, Pasta Salad
3. Tuesday--General Tso Chicken, Green Beans, Leftover Rice
4. Wednesday-Salmon, Sauté Yellow Squash
5. Thursday--Pork Tenderloin Sandwich, Broccoli, Red Cabbage(Hubs)
6. Friday--Catfish dinner, Cole Slaw, other Leftover Veggies
7. Saturday--Chicken, Broccoli and Cheese Casserole

And here's what actually happened....
1. Sunday--Steak, Leftover Green Beans
2. Monday--Hamburgers on Buns, Corn on cob
3. Tuesday--General Tso Chicken, Green Beans, Leftover Rice
4. Wednesday-Salmon, Sauté Yellow Squash
5. Thursday--Pork Tenderloin Sandwich, Caesar Salad
6. Friday--Some Nasty Hamburger Helper Concoction, Roasted Broccoli
7. Saturday--Leftovers(I had General Tso Chicken, Green Beans in Hoisin Sauce, Rice)

Friday's dinner was something we had in the pantry and wanted to use up-a BBQ Hamburger Helper?  We added corn and cheddar cheese to make it better.  Don't think anything could have improved it! lolz  But we ate it.

I never did make the Pasta Salad for Memorial day and Hubs forgot to have his Red Cabbage thing from Aldi on Thursday.  I might make Pasta Salad next week as Hubs likes it.  Hubs had to do a low fiber diet the week before his Colonoscopy(I didn't have to do that last year but I guess it's his butt doctor's way lol)but I don't think he can have Pasta Salad because there is raw veggie in it.  
I had lots of fresh veggies in the fridge so trying to use them up before today when the Low Fiber thing starts.  We may be eating very different things this week when it comes to veg. ;-)

What got taken out of the freezer last week....
*  2 Steak
*  Hamburger
*  Bag of Aldi General Tso Chicken
*  Hunk of Salmon
*  2 Pork Tenderloin steaks
*  1 lb. Hamburger

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  3 lb. Ground Beef
*  4 bags Mozzarella shreds
*  3 packs breakfast Sausage Links

Last week we spent $96.43 on grocery shopping for June.  No big week for grocery shopping but lots of little stops and they added up.

Total shopping comes to $96.43 for June.   There are 27 shopping days left in June

Rebate monies earned this month so far.....
I've earned $45.40 on Ibotta in June.
I've earned $3.00 on Shopmium in June.
I've earned $0 on Alexa app in June.
I've earned $19.00 on Kroger Cash Back in June.
I've earned $13.04 on TaDa in June.
I've earned $0 on Checkout51 in June.
I've earned $8.86 on Aisle, etc. in June.
I've earned 2,946 points on Fetch from food shopping in June.
I've earned 2,870 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in June.($11.48)
I've earned 0 Points on My Points in June.($)
I've earned 0 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in June.

That is $70.30 in rebates(not counting Shop Kick/Fetch/MyPoints/KCB/Alexa)on $96.43 of grocery spending so in reality it's $26.13 in food spending after the rebate apps I count. I now separate out the Food Bank donations and don't count those in the grocery spending.

My savings percentage for the last week was 57.65% and the monthly savings total for June comes in at 57.65% spent.

Leftovers going into this week...Green Beans(1 helping)Roasted Broccoli(2+ helpings).

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--Roasted Asparagus, Chicken Tenders
2. Monday--Asparagus Risotto,(plus Caesar Salad for me)
3. Tuesday--Lasagna with Italian Sausage/Ground Beef sauce,(plus Salad for me)
4. Wednesday--Leftovers for me, Mashed Potatoes & Hamburger for Hubs
5. Thursday--?
6. Friday--?
7. Saturday--?

With this low fiber diet Hubs has to follow he'll be eating a lot of meats/fish/mushy veggies/potatoes/pasta.  Except for the meats/fish, I will not. ;-)  We'll be making it up as we go the later part of the week.

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  



  1. That is a great picture of you and I had to laugh about the dog's photo bomb. He's really cheesing. lol

  2. Long time reader but I rarely comment. I’m just coming on here to say you look fantastic! Weight loss for our health is such a difficult thing to do and you have crushed it. Love the outfit too!

  3. Great picture! Cute little pup too.
    Hope prep and test goes ok for your hubby.

  4. Dogs do need to be the center of attention.

  5. bravo bravo bravo on the weight loss, but more importantly the health GAINS as a result! You must be so proud of just gettin' er done!

  6. You look fabulous! Cindy in the South

  7. Sluggy, you look absolutely fantastic!!! Hope all goes well for hubby. I sent you mail last week. It might have gone to your spam folder. It will be from a gmail addy.

  8. WOW! you look awesome. take care of yourself and Hubs.

  9. You look great....and pup is adorable!!

  10. Oh My Goodness. You look fantastic. You should be very proud of yourself. (I am!) You done good! Cindy From The North.

  11. You look fabulous!!! Great job on the weight loss. You are an inspiration. Good luck to your hubby on his colonoscopy prep.

  12. Sluggy, you look adorable! I had so much fun chaining you in the dressing room and making you try things on! Love Sissy aka The Fashion Police

  13. You look amazing!!!!!!!! And are definitely a encouragement to me - I need to lose the weight but have struggled forever! Keep up the good work!!!!


  14. I didn't recognize you!! You look absolutely incredible. So very impressed with your hard work & weight loss!! (Hawaii Planner)


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