Sunday, June 2, 2024

Louisiana Never Stops Giving You Laughs

 You know you are in Louisiana when you see this.........



  1. I'm smiling, too.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  2. McGyvered or Decorative? Curious minds want to know.

    1. I'm sure it was purposely decorative since it seems to be 'de rigueur' around here to have a tarp on your roof. Or maybe the wooden house roof around the mailbox was compromised? Who's to know....

  3. I don’t get it! But then again not a southerner!

    1. I grew up in Southern VA and have traveled extensively through out the South. I have never seen blue tarps on so many house roofs until I came to Louisiana! I think it's a combination of a state with so many poor people and a cultural thing-that fixing your roof is not a top priority. They'd rather spend their money on "fun" stuff here and now with so many people falling into poverty, the number of dwellings with tarps on them grows exponentially. So, it's more a Louisiana thing, not a Southern thing as a whole.


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