Saturday, September 16, 2023

Stupid Stuff Lately

 *  Since moving here I have started collecting photos of stuff I find on the ground in public areas, besides money.

Here is my collection of dental pick photos....

In July at the medical facility on the sidewalk where I was receiving PT.

In August under a clearance shelf inside an Ollies store. ick

And in September at a different medical building's parking lot where I went to get bloodwork done.

And here is an oldie in my photo file of a dental pick I found in Ocean City, after Hubs and I went to the Walmart near there on a brief trip to OC following my gall bladder surgery in 2020........

And another golden oldie from the Rite-Aid parking lot where I use to live......

Why do people think it's ok to throw these nasty used things on the ground/floor?  Before we left PA(for the 2 years previous)I had been seeing these things discarded in parking lots at the grocery store, outside restaurants and Rite-Aid.  At R-A there is a trash can RIGHT THERE NEXT TO THE DOOR!  You'd think people who place these things in a trash can right there but no.  Please tell me why people behave like this....

*  Here's the statement I got from LSU for various doctor appointments going back to June.  I went on the portal in July and saw they had put my account on paperless billing.  I NEVER elected that option so I emailed the billing department and let them know once they send me a "real" bill I shall pay it promptly.  I want a paper trail when it comes too debt and I don't pay this stuff online through a patient portal.

Someone in billing wrote back the next day and said they'd switch the paperless nonsense off on my account, but still no bill was sent to my address.....for 2 MONTHS.

Then it showed up this past week.  Notice the big red letters.......

I never received Statement One or Two thankyouverymuch!  Don't you accuse me of ignoring my medical bills LSU when you never sent them.

*  While at Ollie's in August we parked near this van..........

That's another problem with people parking improperly in handicapped spaces, even if they display handicapped placards or license plates on their car.  People transporting wheelchair bound folks shouldn't have to have a sign on their vehicle like this.  But no, I can't even count the number of times I've seen people park in the crosshatching areas next to a handicapped parking space so the properly parked vehicle can't unload a wheelchair.  Crosshatching areas are NOT parking spots!  Does that needs to be a question on driving tests? lolz

And then there are the idiots who just make up their own spot, parking next to a row of parking spots and not IN a parking spot.  Seen my fair share of those clowns in a number of states(VA, MD, PA, MA, WV, LA, TN to name a few).

The last time we went to Friendly's(a casual restaurant chain that originated in New England but has expanded into Middle Atlantic states along the East coast)in PA I took a photo of the menu.  Can you find the typo?

Hint-It's in the Asian Chicken Entrée Salad description. ;-)

This one is almost as good as the Asian Hibachi restaurant in PA that had an entrée of "Red SNAPPLE" on it's menu. (It was suppose to be Red Snapper.)  I always find stuff like this amusing.

Oh I almost forgot.  Earlier this week in the afternoon we had someone banging hard on our front door.  It was the Sheriff's Department for the Parish.  They were looking for someone who used to live here.  I remember we had gotten a letter or five for this guy a few months back from the local courthouse which we returned to the PO.  The mail in question seemed to be some legal thing like a summons for the criminal court.
This gives you an idea of the caliber of folks the people who owned this house before rented it out to.  I've got a long list of names we got mail for, folks who once lived here but no longer did at the time we bought the house.  Many of the mail items were letters from the Truancy Board, letters from various area courts as well as notices from legal entities in other Parishes.  There might have been a paycheck mixed in among all this and the insurance letters as well as the credit card notices.  Seems nobody left forwarding addresses?  I don't get not doing so if you were waiting on pay of some kind but totally get the people in trouble with the law not doing so. lol
I guess the previous owners rented to anyone who could come up with enough to pay the rent and didn't do any kind of background checks on tenants. 8-)

That's all I got.8-)

What amusing or aggravating things have you experienced lately?



  1. I'm with you on the trashy trash people who throw their trash anywhere & everywhere. PIGS! They must live like pigs, too! UGH! Just like the people who see nothing wrong with dumping their whole dang ashtray out of their car into the middle of a parking lot. PIGS, I say!

    And my big bat-shit rant these days is people using phones behind the wheel!! WTF is wrong with people? What in heaven's name could be more important than your life? Someone else's life? An innocent child's life? GET OVER YOURSELVES & turn the damn phone off while you're driving!! Put the damn phones down & pay attention! I'm sick of seeing people who think they can do both swerving all over the roadway like drunk skunks! I wish there were some way that a car wouldn't operate if the driver were using a phone (I know not possible, but I can dream!). So damn frustrating, I actually hate to drive any more!

  2. Oh, thanks for the question. First, I was standing inside my front door when a car pulled in my driveway, opened the car door and dumped their ashtray and various trash right into my driveway. I did not think fast enough to chase down the car and get the tag number.

    Okay, my pet peeve is weather readers and news readers. They pronounce words wrong and just sail past their mistake. They are cute, so I suppose it doesn't matter. They are educated and get paid big bucks, compared to other educated people. Yet, they mispronounce common words. One reader mispronounced a word and stumbled all over herself correcting her pronunciation. I can respect that. But, the reader who blithely keeps going loses my respect.
    Often, the reader gets to the end of the line and acts like it is the end of the sentence. Then, the person starts the next line, the middle of the sentence, as though it is a new sentence. Annoying!
    Tommy hears my correcting pronunciation and grammar every day. No, I don't rant, just calmly correct the person.

  3. Mandarin origins are my favorite!__Anne

  4. Even will paperless billing, you could always print out the invoice page, the payment page or confirmation email. I used to be against paperless billing, but after shredding all those papers, I'm now in favor of it.

  5. The menu actually has two mistakes. There needs to be a capital "M" for Mandarin and of course the word "orange" instead of origin. About ten years ago, I saw a huge sign over the produce counter that had a gross spelling mistake. I would love a job finding these mistakes for a large company. As it is, all I get is a pain in the stomach seeing this horrid peripheral learning.

  6. People are animals. Yuck is right. When I was at the dr office last week, some guy backed into a parking spot on the sidewalk blocking the entire sidewalk with his towing equipment. No one with a wheelchair could get through there. Ugh. That is a pet peeve of mine.


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