Sunday, March 9, 2025

Don't Forget to Enter the Giveaway!

The Sluggy's Boring Blog Giveaway is still running.

Monday is the last day to enter it HERE and this the last reminder about it.

No jumping through hoops, just let me know in your entry what you have done for someone else lately.  It can be something big or small, just something you've done to help someone, make them smile or made their day better.

That's all.

The winner will be picked Tuesday evening.



  1. I’m not entering as I still have boring box stuff from the past to use but do have something funny. There was a little kid at Kroger the other day that wanted pineapple juice but it was on the top shelf. The mother was super short and told her they would have to find someone to help. Luckily my extra long arms were nearby and easily grabbed the juice.

  2. I volunteered at the animal shelter cleaning the cat cages and feeding them. A regular volunteer could not make it, so I went in to help out.

    Deb G.

  3. I helped my Aunt make the decision to go into Hospice Care. Sandie in CT (Hi Deb G)


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