
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Democrat Leaders Displaying Disgusting Behavior

I know I'm going to get hate for this but it has to be said.............I don't care what side you are on the fact the Democrats didn't stand up for that 13 year old boy with brain cancer when he was introduced last night is disgusting!

And those little signs they were holding, one political commentator said it remembered her of when Democrats in the 1800's held paddles up to bid in a slave auction.  Because if you are not aware of history, the Republican party freed the slaves and the majority of Southern slave holders were Democrats.

Is there any stunt these people won't pull?  Attacking the people who are finding the graft and waste instead of applauding the finds that will save our country's treasury??  Just how unbalanced are these Democrat leaders?



  1. From what I've seen, there are a number of unbalanced people here. Why would anyone be upset about having all of the books looked at and balanced to prevent waste and fraud? It just boggles my mind. We have been over taxed for years and our money has not been spent wisely and/or has been used to line pockets. Our infrastructure is in bad shape, our schools and our hospitals are a mess. Senior citizens and vets are not being taken care of. US families are suffering. But lets slam President Trump for looking into where the money is going? Makes no sense.

    1. I think what is confusing is why you don't seem to care that billionaires are not paying their fair share of taxes while we cancel research vital to helping little boys such as the one you mention (and many others). There is solid proof on how much tax cuts are being granted to rich people, but there is absolutely nothing but hot air and no evidence on "waste and fraud". We have always had a way to see where taxes go, btw. It's not hard. I am so sad I can no longer read this BS here anymore. I really liked reading here. Btw, I am not a democrat nor am I republican. I am a moderate who believes we help others as Jesus intended, especially if we are blessed. Choosing selfish rich people's agenda over the 98% of other people is really sinful and mean. I do realize that brainwashing has occurred with state tv like Fox news, but I do invite you to find other resources before you just parrot EM or these other idols. Surely, you can think for yourself or like Jesus. Remember WWJD? I think he would want us to help others and not hurt others so a few can hoard wealth. I sincerely hope you or any of your loved ones are not hurt by this admin. Thoughts and prayers.

    2. Read your Bible-there is nothing in the New Testament that approves of forcing people to take their own money and give it to others who need help. What you call following Jesus is having the government take money from people who earn it at gunpoint and give it to other people. The Good Samaritan in the parable spent his own coin freely. Government welfare programs are not the same as biblical charity. And no, I do not worship EM or any other human.
      And another thing, the Democrats have been parroting this "they don't pay their fair share" lie for ages. They need to come up with a new playbook. If someone makes a billion dollars it should be their money to spend or hoard as they see fit. Government should only be doing a minimal amount of things. We can agree to disagree(we all have freewill, don't we?)or you can go on down the road. Have a Blessed day!

  2. We were watching Trump's speech last night on t.v. because being Canadian everything he does greatly affects us and were shocked at the rudeness of the democrats to that precious little boy.Both parties are a mess in my opinion as well as our own gov.t.Heaven help us all !

  3. His parents should have NEVER allowed it.

  4. I totally agree, you may hate Trump and his policies, but that child has nothing to do with it.

  5. Face it Democrats are idiots. How proud are you fools that the people you voted for sat on their asses while a sweet young boy got the thrill of a lifetime.

  6. A sweet precious boy getting a thrill after so much sickness, a young man hearing he is accepted to WP - and crickets. Just wrong on every level.

  7. How those tariffs working for the American economy?

    1. I read American toy manufacturers are getting a lot more business but we shall see.

  8. Do any of you see any irony in trump parading that child in front of the cameras while simultaneously slashing pediatric cancer research?

    1. I DID publish your comment Bobbie but you are not correct.
      The incoming Trump administration imposed a communications freeze on U.S. health agencies until a presidential appointee could review them.
      That meant long-standing meetings designed to allocate grant money to medical research were canceled without indication they would be rescheduled. One of those meetings concerned cancer research.
      I did not publish another nasty comment. The Democrat legislators behavior was despicable and supposed legislator Jasmine Crockett shucking and jiving in a Tick Tock? What is this world coming to??

  9. Not only the boy but families whose loved ones were killed by illegals and shooters. I was sickened by Democrats who do not have any compassion for their fellow Americans. I hope this will be remembered come election day.

  10. So Sluggy have you a recipe for Koolaid?

    1. No but Democrats in authority positions sure do as all their talking points are ALWAYS the same!
      I don't think any of them have had an original thought their whole lives! Your people suck bigtime and you can leave my blog NOW! I am tired of you trolls suck the joy out of my life and the air out of the room. Go back under the bridge you came out from!!

    2. Not a Democrat 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. Completely agree, Sluggy. My husband is tired of hearing me yell at the TV when I watch the news and Democrats' despicable behavior.

  12. ... and wearing pink literally the day after they voted NOT to protect girls in sports by keeping out biological men with more genetic upper body and muscle strength. These girls are getting brain damage, concussions, not to mention losing out on college scholarships (900+ medals so far our girls have lost out to guys with penises and natural strength that is a scientific, biological fact)... to guys that are mediocre or awful in the men's division but suddenly decide they are female and then take 1st place. Wearing pink to support women? B.S. The whole ilk are disgusting. And to NOT support a 13 year old boy who has had to endure surgery after surgery just to survive!???

    1. And that young woman who suffered brain damage after a "transgender woman" hit her so hard with a volley ball?? This is just too much. I don't care if you want to identify as a Springbok but when "men" are given the right to inflict permanent damage on women in "women's sports" that's where I draw the line.

  13. The democrats were slumped in their chairs with sourpuss faces while the majority (republicans) in the chambers were on their feet, cheering, clapping and looked like they were on the top of the world!


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