
Sunday, February 2, 2025


I hope everyone is having a good Sunday.
I've got about half of y'all on here now.  It's taking forever as I have to do each email one at a time.
I'll hold a big Welcome  Reception once I get everyone invited who asked to be here, just give me some grace because between the typing all this out and my Tremors it's going to take some time. 8-)  There will be some moving of the furniture coming too, meaning blog roll changes mostly.
If any of you know anybody who needs an invite just let me know.

Now back to sending out invites.



  1. Thanks for the invitation. I enjoy your blog and your blog roll. Wish I could do the typing for you to save you the pain.

  2. Thank you For adding me!!!!

  3. Thank you for letting me go private on this blog love reading this and the other blogs on here Jeannie T

  4. Thank you for allowing me to go to your private blog love reading your blog and all the other blogs on your following.

  5. Hi Sluggy, Precious would like an invitation to your blog. LMK if you need her info, but I am thinking you do. Thank you. She said she is sorry you are having so much troubles with trolls.

    1. Chris, I don't have Precious' email. Nor can I comment on her blog because you have to have a WordPress account to do so. You might want to let her know that.

    2. Sluggy, I will let her know.

  6. Thank you for inviting me, I promise I'll be a good little lurker and you won't hear from me too often!

    1. Don't feel like you have to lurk. Join in the conversation!

  7. Thank you for adding me to your private blog list!!

  8. Thanks for adding me Sluggy! I so love your blog and you have helped me greatly with trimming my grocery costs. My next goal is to be like you and find deals to donate to a food bank near me. I am SOOOO relieved you and hubs are headed back to where you are appreciated and loved. Wishing you all the best and hoping for an easy move!


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Please include your name in your comment, or choose the 'Name' option and put your name or whatever you call yourself, in the box. Thank you.

Though I moderate it's partly to keep trolls at bay but also partly so that I read every comment. I don't often respond to comments so if you need me to answer you please write me at my email addy posted on my "About Me" page, linked on the side bar.