
Friday, December 6, 2024

Frugal Friday....the Dec. 6th Edition

Here are our frugal wins for this past week......

*  I used some Paypal monies to pay for a Kohl's pick-up order.  The Paypal monies used were earned doing a grocery survey.

*  Kohl's sent me a $5 coupon to get me into the store to spend money.  The Kohl's store here is small and never has anything I want/need.
So when we went in there to pick-up an online order I saw this dark chocolate bar for $4.99 so got it for free with that $5 in scrip. 8-)

*  I hit my $5 Weekend Warrior Bonuses on Ibotta and I used a free $20 gift card at Walmart to purchase items we needed to get to my Bonus target.

*  We also had no food waste last week.  We ate everything or put it into the freezer.

*  I joined FlavorWiki this week.  It's sort of like The Insiders where you buy and test products then give your feedback.  Then they reimburse your purchase plus some extra cash for your time and effort.   It's sort of a pain though so I might not be doing it for long.

*  Entertainment last week was free tv or playing with the dogs.

*  I found money!  

We were in a Walmart in the next town over and I kept finding pennies throughout the store.

In our local Walmart the next day, I found two pennies near the change machine and then another penny outside in the parking lot.

The next day when we went to Kohl's to pick up my order and spend that $5 scrip they sent me I found a dime on the sidewalk as we left the store.

Total Found last week..... .18¢

Grand Total Found this Year.......$9.54 & 5.30 Euros  I may hit $10 found before the year is out at this point.

That's all I got.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!



  1. Good job. I haven't found any change in quite a while - oh yeah, I guess I need to go somewhere!!! LOL
    Have a good weekend.

  2. I don't comment often but read every week. Whatever you decide, take me with you.

  3. Just eating ham and cheese sandwich’s and peanut butter sandwiches. I make my winter soup and eat it for several days. There are variations but it consists of either some type of greens (turnip, collards, mustard) or cabbage, onions, chicken broth and either carrot or wt potatoes. I sometimes add a can of diced tomatoes. This week it is chicken broth cabbage, onions, carrots, and spices.

  4. Glad you posted. Thank you!! Paula

  5. I've done that time to time with Kohl's rewards that will expire and I don't need or want anything, little treats or Burts Bees lip balms. I've always got someone I'm giving a birthday card to, so the little extra goes with the card.

  6. Unfortunately for me I ate everything this week. Just saying!

  7. Went to Aldi to stock up on quite a few things. We ran out of oil, oatmeal, nonstick spray, rice cakes, tortillas and other random stuff all at once. Used a gift card from cat sitting so it ended up free with $10 remaining.

    They currently have candy cane dog treats for $2.99. Daryl approved of this purchase.

  8. Nice score on the chocolate! How funny to also find a dime there. 😂

  9. I received $5 from kohls as well along with. 40%off coupon. I used it to order footie pajamas for Christmas for my 3 year old granddaughter.
    I’m glad you’re blogging again. Sue in MN

  10. So glad you're sticking around!
    Okay, here goes -- a church potluck is scheduled Sunday. Instead of spending big bucks on a dish, I used our potatoes (potatoes are very big here in the San Luis Valley), leftover cans of mushroom soup, cleaned out the sour cream container, and used most of a chunk of cheese that's been languishing in the freezer. I topped it by circling turkey sausages ($1.50/lb at the closeout grocery), and sprinkled a little Cheddar on top to look fancy. That's my contribution.

    (I haven't found any coins for ages, though. Aren't people dropping them anymore??


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