Ok, don't make me beg.
Click on this LINK and help me win $500!
Pretty Please?
Why should you do this for me?
Well, if I win it, I can offer some Giveaways on my site, because if I win I'll then have $$ to obtain Gift Cards and stuff to giveaway.
So it's in your best interest to help me win.lol
I thought by now I'd have had some company offer me Giveaway fodder in exchange for a review or the advertising their product would receive from my Massive Blog Audience **cough, cough**.....but no.
I guess companies think my audience is too too frugal to buy their products so they don't want to advertise here.
Or it might be that I don't provide unblemished glowing reviews of products, unless the product really REALLY deserves it.
And few products do....
So click on the link and make me happy, k?
'Cause when Momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!! ;-))
Happy Labor Day Weekend All! Make sure you do some relaxing this weekend. 8-))
I clicked!!!!! good luck :)