Here are our frugal wins for this past week....
* I love finding marked down foods at Kroger(this really doesn't happen at Walmart). I found 2 bag of fresh veggies with stickers, an individual salad, a piece of cod marked down as well as a bag of protein cereal AND both were part of the mega sale too, plus a container of tuna salad.
* We used up some pantry items as well.
* I sold a length of fabric this past week finally on eBay. Basically after fees I may have broke even. At least it's one thing out of the house. I'll probably donate the rest and take the tax write-off. That will be mush easier and quicker to accomplish. ;-)
* We also had no food waste last 2 weeks. We cooked at home and then ate some leftovers this past week. There was no eating out.
* Even with our record cold temps here lately our electric bill wasn't much higher. I'll take that as a win! My brother in VA got 12 inches of snow which is very rare for that area and they are snowed in.
* Entertainment last week was free tv, YouTube watching, doing genealogy or reading.
I found a penny in the parking lot of Kroger right behind our car 2 Friday's ago. Since then it's been a big old dry spell.
Found Money This Week.... .01¢
Grand Total Found this Year....... .30¢
That's all I got.
Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods? Let's hear all about them!